BBB Digital Read with Node-RED

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This guide provides instructions for configuring a BBB to read a GPIO through Node-RED.


1. Flash the BBB EMMC with the latest image.

2. Construct a simple circuit.

3. Start the BBB.

4. Connect to the BBB.

5. Configure Node-RED to make the Bonescript module available.

4. Start Node-RED on the BBB (

6. Import the flow into Node-RED (text at the bottom of the page).

If you’d like to publish MQTT messages to a broker, configure the mqtt out node appropriately.

Node-RED should appear as follows:

7. Operate the circuit.

When the switch is opened and closed messages will be published to the Node-RED debug window, and the state of the switch will be displayed in the palette under the Determine State node.

8. Enjoy.

Node-RED Flow

      "label":"Flow 1",
      "type":"gpio in",
      "name":"P9_14 GPIO_50",
      "name":"Determine State",
      "func":"// Determine last value\nvar lastValue = context.get('lastValue')||0;\n\n// If new value is same as last value, do nothing.\nif(msg.payload == lastValue) {\n    return null;\n}\nelse {\n    context.set('lastValue', msg.payload)\n    \n    if(msg.payload === 1 ){\n        node.status({fill:\"green\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"Switch closed\"});\n    }\n    else {\n        node.status({fill:\"red\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"Switch open\"});\n    }\n    return msg;\n}",
      "name":"Generate Message",
      "func":"var now = new Date();\nvar assetId = global.get(\"assetId\")\nvar dataItemId = \"EquipmentChangeState\"\nvar topic = \"Asset/\" + assetId + \"/\" + dataItemId\n\nif (msg.payload === 1){\n    node.status({fill:\"green\", shape:\"dot\", text:\"Last true: \" + now.toISOString()});\n    payload = {}\n    payload[\"assetId\"] = assetId;\n    payload[\"dataItemId\"] = dataItemId;\n    payload[\"dateTime\"] = now.toISOString();\n    payload[\"value\"] = \"READY-PROCESSING-EXECUTING\"\n    return {\"topic\": topic, \"payload\": payload}\n} else {\n    node.status({fill:\"green\", shape:\"dot\", text:\"Last true: \" + now.toISOString()});\n    payload = {}\n    payload[\"assetId\"] = assetId;\n    payload[\"dataItemId\"] = dataItemId;\n    payload[\"dateTime\"] = now.toISOString();\n    payload[\"value\"] = \"OFF\"\n    return {\"topic\": topic, \"payload\": payload}\n}",
      "name":"Trigger on Start",
      "name":"Set Global ",
      "func":"global.set(\"assetId\", \"ANT1000\")\n\nreturn msg;",
      "name":"Sets global variables on start.",
      "name":"Publish messages based upon GPIO changes.",
      "type":"mqtt out",